The Super Cool Colouring Book

My First abc Colouring Book
The objective of this activity book is help the child
1. Identify the letters of the English alphabet
2. Know the sounds of the individual letters
3. Connect the sound of the letters to objects
4. Colour the letters and objects
5. Trace out the letters on the broken lines
6. Write the letters on their own in the boxes provided
There is more to this book than just colouring. The child will potentially learn more if an adult can supervise the child during each lesson. Each page has one main object for colouring and other objects that have the beginning sound of the letter.
My First 123 Colouring Book
Number Activity and Colouring Book. Parent/teacher and child interaction is extremely important in early learning of math. Model number activities from everyday scenarios, such as: how many carrots are on your plate, or how many crayons are in the box, or how many flowers are on that plant etc.
When children learn numbers by counting, they are able to relate the numbers to quantity, and therefore, perform a more cognitive activity. Numbers are real to them and they are able to relate to quantitative problems better... and of course, every child loves colouring!